Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Place to go..

Try to find a place to go??
definitely a place can give you a hope or rise up your strength..
and now i'm in Egypt and what people talk about egypt? Pyramid? Pharoah? sphinx? or Tahrir square. 
Just now i got something different about this bounty land from our homeland. . It about ''maqam auliya'' that can be visited easily in Cairo and to be more accurately nearby my home, Sayyeda Zainab.

what do you got from this trip?
i'm pretty sure about a losing of stress that always overwhelm a medical student like us.Other than that, i also can see the strength of our friendship and it always will be strengthen.BUT, the major objective why we visit the place none other than to get the "ibrah" or lesson (googled just now) and to get their bless so that our pray can be easily called.Moreover, the exam just around the corner.          

Can you list some of them?
Yes, i heard there many of maqam that can be visit, but what can i list here are those i had visited.
maqam Sayyeda Zainab
maqam Ali Zainal Abidin
maqam Sayyidah NAfisah
maqam Sayyidah Ruqqayyah
maqam Sayyidah Sukainah
maqam Sayyidah 'Atikah
maqam Ibnu Sirin
maqam Rabiatul Adawiyah
maqam Dzun Nun Al-misri
maqam Imam Waqi'
maqam Ibnu Hajar al Asqalani
maqam 'Uqbah bin Amir
maqam Imam Laith bin Sa'ad
maqam Sultan Ulama' Izzudin Abdus Salam
maqam Ibn' Athoillah
maqam Ibn Daqiq Al-eid
maqam Imam Abi Jamrah
maqam Wali soghir
maqam Sheikh Solah Jaafari
maqam Saidina Hussein

Your do'a?
I asked god for strength that i might achieve. I was made weak that i might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that i might do greater things. I was given weakness that i might do better things. I asked for riches that i might be happy. I was given poverty that i might be wise. I asked for power that i might have the praise of men. I was given weakness that i might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that i might enjoy life. I was given life that i might enjoy all things. I got nothing that i asked for, but everything i hoped for. 

"Satu-satunya cara agar kita memperolehi kasih sayang ialah jangan menuntut agar kita dicintai, tetapi mulailah memberi kasih sayang kepada orang lain tanpa mengharapkan balasan"

Rabiatul Adawiyah

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